Adventure On...

Why I Hit the Road (or Hop a Flight)


In life there’s few things that bring more satisfaction than packing up your bags and heading somewhere new or different. Some may say that adventure. I realize that we all have different interests and hobbies, but for me, taking in new views/scenery fills me up with a sense of awe that almost feels like my batteries are being recharged.

These trips don’t need to be anything extravagant; just a change, any change, sometimes feels great. Heading to desinations I’ve already been is better than not going anywhere at all, though exploring new places is the ultimate rejuvenator. The world is vast. I know seeing it all is impractical for most of us, but seeing as much as you can is doable.

I’ll share what I know.  There are plenty of other travelers and hikers on the web, but I’ll do my best to give you insight into places I’ve been.  Hopefully you find these articles helpful and possibly inspiring.  From the trails of Sedona to cities in Europe, I’m inviting you to Wander With Me.  Adventure awaits!

P.S. Down below you’ll find some amazing tours for outstanding deals at some of the places I’ve been, and other hot sellers that are on my bucketlist as well!