How would the BIG BAD of Stranger Things fare against DC's mightiest heroes?

How would the BIG BAD of Stranger Things fare against DC's mightiest heroes?

Vecna VS DC Superheroes

Vecna proved to be a worthy villain for the Hawkins gang in Stranger Things season 4. He’s a lot like Freddy Krueger, invading his victims’ minds and killing them horrifically from inside their own nightmares. So how would Vecna do against DC’s big three superheroes? Well, if a group of teenagers with no superpowers can (almost) defeat him, it’s safe to assume a team of the world’s mightiest heroes, most with powers, could take him down, right? Maybe, but let’s take a look at some of the heroes individually and see how they’d do against Vecna. 

Vecna VS DC Superheroes

Let’s start with the league’s smartest member, but also most tortured soul, Batman. Bruce would likely be the first targeted by Vecna because of his exceptionally tragic past. We all know Batman’s origin story, and there have been other events that Vecna could also feed on. The death of Jason Todd (Robin), who has since been revived, and Batgirl being paralyzed by the Joker, as well as several other stories that would do mental damage to any human.

Vecna didn’t seem to kill any of his victims during their first nightmare.  After Batman had his first bad dream, hearing Vecna’s voice taunt him, he’d surely start doing his research to get to the bottom of it. The world’s greatest detective has taken down other villains who invade dreams before such as the Scarecrow and Dr. Destiny.

Vecna may prove to be a little more challenging though, using his telepathic evil from a different dimension. Batman may have to phone a telepath friend such as Martian Manhunter to figure out who is attacking him.  Once he can pinpoint Vecna’s whereabouts, well, we’ve seen Batman enter other dimensions before.  He’s no stranger to taking down mystic being from other worlds.  Vecna may just be another notch on his utility belt.


Vecna VS DC Superheroes

Now let’s look at Superman. He has a tragic past as well, one that would be easy for Vecna to tamper with. The question would be if Vecna would be able to do any physical damage to Superman’s nearly invulnerable body. Would snapping his bones be like trying to bend steel?  Would popping his eyes be like trying to crush a pool ball? We do know that Superman is susceptible to magic.  If Vecna’s telepathic powers are in fact magic, then the Man of Steel is fair game to his brand of torture.

I believe that once Superman experienced his first nightmare, he would immediately visit Martian Manhunter or Dr. Fate for assistance, much like he did during an episode of his 1990’s animated series. Once he found a way into the Upside Down via his super friends, Vecna’s time would soon be up.  Vecna is god-like when he’s inside his victims’ heads, but when confronted face-to-face, a group of teens did nearly kill him with fire and bullets. Superman’s powerful fists should knock his head clean off his shoulders.

Vecna VS DC Superheroes

How about Wonder Woman? She has a bit of a troubled past as well. Depending on which story we go with, it’s quite certain that Vecna would use Steve Trevor’s death to torment Diana. Like Batman and Superman, she has friends who could assist her with the telepathic attacks, and who can open portals to other world.  She’s pretty versed with taking on omnipotent villains from different dimensions. It’s safe to say that Vecna is not as capable as some of her magic-powered enemies such as Ares and Circe. If she can defeat them on a regular basis, Vecna would probably be an easy win on her list of mystic beings she’s beaten over the last century.

Ghosts & Gravestones


Vecna VS DC Superheroes

Although Vecna would scare the living daylights out of the heroes upon his first attack, it wouldn’t be long until they called upon one of their many allies who could help them get to him. If they each could beat him individually, or paired up with telepathic or magic-based allies, then it’s safe to assume that Vecna wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in the Upside Down up against the Trinity or the League.

If you enjoyed this article, click HERE to see how the heroes of the DC Universe would do up against the Seven from Amazon’s the Boys.  

Lastly, if you like your hair and don’t want your scalp to look like Vecna’s, look into Keeps by clicking HERE or on the link below.


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