DC Heroes vs the Boys' Supes

Who wins in these parallel world matchups?

1. Homelander vs Superman

Aquaman vs the Deep
Men of Steel
Homelander is very much the evil version of Superman.  There have been several other evil Superman, including Superman himself in the Snyder Cut Knightmare sequence.  Homelander is such a fantastic depiction though of how having godlike power could corrupt one’s ego.  This fight might bring to mind Superman vs Zod in Man of Steel, in which of course, Superman won. Although Homelander is a parody of Superman, and his abilities mimic the Man of Steel’s, he lacks his experience.  While Superman has taken down the likes of Darkseid, Homelander struggled with a super-powered Billy Butcher.  Superman’s wins overshadow anything we’ve seen Homelander accomplish thus far and therefore he takes home the W on this clash of the titans.  Now if Homelander manages to find a block of Kryptonite, then he may change that outcome.

2. Batman vs Black Noir

Batman vs Black Noir
Two dark knights, only one victor

The outcome of bout between Batman vs Black Noir comes down to a few different factors.  First, are we talking about Black Noir from the Amazon Prime series or from the Dark Horse Comics?  Two very different characters, but for the sake of keeping it simple, let’s go with the show.  The second thing we must consider is if Batman has time to prepare for the fight, or if they’re just tossed into an arena.

If Batman has prep time, he wins.  Why?  Because he’s Batman!  Just kidding.  We know that Bats is a master tactician.  When he is able to plan for a fight, he has taken down Superman, both in the comics and in the film.  More than likely, he’d have studied up on Noir and figured out his weakness.  Then when they come face-to-facemask, he’d use that to take him down.  Noir is like diet Deathstroke.  Batman has beaten Deathstroke.  Do the math.

 If they’re simply tossed into a cage and told to fight to the death, then Noir just may be the victor.  It would be close anyway.  In the comics, Noir is a clone of Homelander, so we’d have a completely different matchup on our hands.  And again, is there prep time?

3. Wonder Woman vs Queen Maeve

DC vs the Boys
Princess vs Queen, Goddess vs Supe

Much like Superman vs Homelander, this match comes down to experience.  And Wonder Woman has hundreds of years of experience over Queen Maeve.  Wonder Woman is a demi-god.  Maeve is a human turned “supe”.  See where this is going?

To Maeve’s credit, she put up one hell of a fight against Homelander, before losing her eye.  Could Wonder Woman do that same damage to Superman?  That has yet to be seen.  Still, my money is on the Amazon warrior.  

4. Aquaman vs the Deep

DC vs the Boys
One is in deep trouble

The truth is that we haven’t seen the Deep do much of anything yet besides be sort of jerk, a weirdo, and a man who is completely terrified of his teammate Homelander.  Aquaman, on the other hand, we have seen command an entire ocean in battle, and take down some preeminent foes. He’s the King of the Seven Seas, while the Deep is a parody of a parody of him.  Needless to say, Aquaman seems to win this clash with little to no effort.  Like shooting fish in a barrel.  

5. A-Train vs the Flash

Flash vs A-Train
Who is better, faster, stronger?
A-Train hasn’t been a very likeable character for the vast majority of his time on the show.  The Flash of the movie-verse hasn’t done much to impress audiences either.  We know the potential is there, but they probably hired the wrong actor to pull it off.  A-Train did murder another superhero by dragging him at insanely high speeds for miles until there wasn’t much left.  He can be brutal.  While the Flash does finally shine at the end of the Snyder Cut, running so fast that he time travels. So we have one speedster who is ruthless in a fight versus a speedster who has been sort of a wimp but can run much faster.  That’s an interesting contrast.  I’m inclined to say the faster guy wins.  What are your thoughts?

6. Starlight vs Stargirl

DC vs the Boys
Which star burns out first?

Stargirl and Starlight have more in common than just their names.  They are both beautiful blonde gymnasts with the ability to project light and fly.  Well, in the comics Starlight can fly anyway.  That’s yet to be determined on the show.  Stargirl also possesses enhanced strength, speed, and agility.  Starlight also has enhanced agility as well as super hearing.  This sounds like a pretty even fight, and my guess is that the two would never finish the fight anyway because they’re just so pure of heart.  But if I must pick one, then Starlight it is.



The Boys…and women of the DC Universe win this series 5 to 1.

I also pit DC’s big three, the Trinity, up against the big bad from Stranger Things season 4.  If you enjoyed the  DC Heroes vs the Boys’ Supes, check out DC Superheroes VS Vecna!

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